January 19, 2017 at 5:43 pm
I stumbled upon a Facebook post the other day which appeared in my feed because a friend “liked” it. In it, the author was expressing their exasperation over a lesbian friend who did not support “trans rights” – equal rights for transsexuals. Naturally, I checked out the comments hoping for some amusement. Within the comments I found the exchange you see below. I didn’t comment on it, as I didn’t really feel like starting a Facebook war with a bunch of people with whom I likely share very little common ground. I’ve redacted the names and profile images in the following screenshot because the point here is not to skewer the people making these comments, but rather the idea they are expressing. So let us discuss. First, we notice the implied assumption of those commenting that Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders would have been more friendly toward LGBTQ rights than Donald Trump. This may be correct, it may not be. I’ll leave you to your own research and conclusions on that point. The striking problem with these comments is a more subtle thread running through them. All four of the individuals in this discussion are assuming that they know the […]
January 11, 2017 at 9:11 pm
Everyday I read numerous articles and comments online. The articles are generally informative. The comments are atrocious. Quality and intelligence seems to be in short supply in the realm of online commentary. Most comments are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. Many demonstrate a pointed ignorance of the topic being discussed. Probably the most disappointing aspect is just the sheer number of comments that lack all civility. At times, the article itself is guilty of the same shortcomings; sometimes by design, sometimes by oversight. We need a return to civility. We need to remember that each of us are unique individuals fighting our own daily struggles. Can we not discuss with mutual respect, even in disagreement? Granted, I’m guilty of this from time to time. It is a fault that I recognize and am attempting to make a concerted effort to improve upon. Perhaps the following is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but perhaps it needs to be done. I find that this lack of civility is non-partisan. Conservatives are guilty of it. Libertarians are guilty of it. Favorite terms of the Right include taunts like “libtard”, “commie”, and plays on the names of disliked individuals […]
August 2, 2016 at 12:46 pm
Could we just… NOT? There are many great mysteries in this world and many topics that deserve further discussion, consideration and research. Conspiracy theories can fit into those categories. However they are part of a rather paranoid niche and are not fit for public discussion unless you have hard evidence. Of course if you have proof, it’s no longer a theory, is it? Why am I bringing this topic up? Because this election, the Libertarian Party stands to have its best showing ever. In order to make that happen, we need people to vote for the Libertarian candidates. Now I realize, that not all libertarians (small ‘l’) agree with, are part of, or support the Libertarian Party (big ‘L’). That’s fine. I just respectfully ask that we not do harm to each others efforts (NAP for the win, ya?), as ultimately we are on the same side. Toward that end, we need to be mindful of public appearances. Libertarians, as a whole, would benefit their cause best by acting and appearing in a reasonable, respectable, logical and intelligent manner. Please don’t be this imbecile! With public relations in mind, let’s talk about our messaging. A few people with whom I […]
November 4, 2015 at 10:39 am
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yesterday, for the first time since I’ve been old enough to vote, I didn’t. The consequences? Not a damn thing. Not a single race was decided by a margin of 1 vote. The Democrats still won the statewide races. The Republicans still won most of the county races, and the Democrats won 2:1 all of the borough races. My un-cast vote didn’t mean squat. The same would have been true if I’d cast it. The difference? Having not participated, I cannot be blamed for the actions of those elected. I withheld my implied consent of their future plundering, infringing and coercing. Elections are theater. They are a government sponsored farce designed to make people feel good about their government. They are designed to make you feel like you have a say. Your “say” means nothing. In the vast majority of races an individual vote is meaningless. On top of that, if your vote happens to go to the less popular candidate – the loser of the race – you’re still screwed. No one cares that you don’t like the winner. No one cares that you didn’t vote for them. They are still elected and they are still […]
October 18, 2014 at 3:37 pm
There, I said it. Despite the hysterical masses who are just eating up this media hype that the human race is on the brink of Ebola-induced extinction, I hold – quite comfortably – that Ebola is not a serious threat to the US. Talk of closing borders is sensationalist over-reaction. Even IF we were in the midst of a true epidemic, my answer to the above posed question would remain a resolute ‘NO’. Here is why… I recognize that everyone has a right to travel anywhere they wish so long as they are not trespassing on another persons property. The government has no authority to curtail this basic natural right – even in the event of a catastrophe. As it is, in the three cases of Ebola in the US, the government has messed up multiple times. The government – as always – is an utterly worthless, blitheringly idiotic monstrosity that fails even the most basic of tasks with the possible exception of hurting and killing people. In the event of a serious Ebola outbreak, should travel restrictions exist? Would they help to slow the spread of the disease? Yes, I believe they should, and would slow the spread. No […]
August 19, 2011 at 12:17 pm
The mainstream media, like many other things in our Republic is failing to do its job. The primary purpose of newspapers and news broadcasts is to collect information, verify its accuracy, and present it in a neutral light to the masses. One news company likes to remind us of this frequently with their slogan “Fair and Balanced”. Too bad it is nothing more than an empty and meaningless tagline. In reality, news media is almost never fair or balanced. This is evident if we look at almost any newspaper ever to come off of a printing press. In recent history some important top stories have been influenced heavily by the bias of news organizations. One that everyone is likely familiar with is the trial of Casey Anthony. Judicially she was found “not guilty” of the murder of her daughter by a jury of her peers. In the court of public opinion, Casey Anthony was well… utterly crucified. This was largely precipitated by the mainstream media reports on the trial, personalities such as Nancy Grace, and even some celebrities. Whether you are in agreement with the outcome or not, the system worked in the case of Ms. Anthony. If anything can […]