Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
As a privacy advocate myself, I take privacy very seriously and am committed to protecting yours when you use this site. Any personal contact information collected by this website is completely voluntary and occurs only when you – the user – offer it by subscribing to the mailing list or take part in a similar activity.
No information collected from you will ever be sold, traded, or provided for use by a third party. We will not send you spam or any other unsolicited communications. Any information collected, including real name, email address, phone number, mailing address, etc… will be held in strict confidence.
This site does not utilize any sort of ad framework.
This site utilizes cookies to keep track of your session and your login (if you have an account and sign in). We also utilize widgets and services such as Facebook, Twitter, Gavatar, Disqus, Google Analytics, etc…) which may store cookies on your device. We have no control over third-party cookie usage. Please consult your browser settings to restrict or block those cookies if you do not wish them to be stored.
Cookies are not personally identifiable and are not required to visit this site.
External Links
This website frequently links to third-party web pages. We do not share any information with those linked sites.
We use a variety of security measures including encryption and authentication to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of your personal information under our control.
This site does utilize website statistics tools which may gather information from visitors including but not limited to: IP address, country of origin, device operating system, browser version, and duration of visit. None of this information is made public or shared with anyone else.
For any questions, please contact me at
Last updated 7/17/2014