I’ve Been Slacking…
Yes, I’ve been a slacker. I haven’t written or posted in a while and for that I am sorry. My approach to this blog has been to focus on writing quality content on a “when its ready” publishing schedule. In my view, that means at least 1,500 words, well thought out, and cited when possible. I’ll call this the “Research paper” approach. While it is my choice mode of writing, it’s not feasible as the norm given my numerous other responsibilities, as the sporadic posting history shows.
In an effort to keep posts flowing I’m going to try a slightly different approach. First of all, the “research paper” articles aren’t going anywhere. I’ll still write them as time permits. In the meantime, I’ll be trying to post shorter posts on a more frequent basis. I hope they will act as discussion starters and present ideas in the same manner that the longer posts do, though perhaps without expounding as much. I may also start expanding the scope of topics. I will also be posting (reposting) videos and such from others that I think are relevant and worth checking out. We’ll see how it goes. Feedback is always welcome!
Part 2 of the Internet Privacy posts is in the works. In addition to time constraints I’ve been having a hard time finishing it due to the nature of the topic. With every new NSA leak the prospect of being able to actually secure your online travels seems more and more bleak, as it is revealed that the NSA has subverted more and more of the Internet infrastructure. Keep an eye out for it; it is coming.
If you’re reading this, thank you. While I do this because I enjoy it and it provides an outlet for my ideas, theories and frustrations I do appreciate people reading my content and sharing it when they feel it is worthy of such. The spread of ideas is the single most important facet of a free society. I hope mine are a worthy contribution to the cause.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://www.considerliberty.com.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.