The Tea Party: An Arrow Without a Target

July 24, 2014 at 4:48 pm

I like the tea party.  It’s probably the most active force for relative political good today.  They helped get some true liberty-minded individuals in Congress, like Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, Justin Amash and Ted Cruz among others.  They have been going toe-to-toe with the establishment and really taking the fight to DC.  A fairly large contingency within the tea party are libertarian, or at least libertarian-leaning.  However there is also a faction of traditional Republicans who are in it for little reason other than that the current president is a Democrat.  This group supports the typical Republican platform, pro-life, anti-gay marriage, anti-drug, low taxes, and pro-military.  The primary push of the tea party is “smaller” government.  Murray Rothbard once noted that “the ultimate goal of total liberty must always be upheld”, in other words that a clear goal must be in mind and our eyes must remain fixed upon it if we are to reach it.  The tea party’s greatest inherent fault is that it has no clear goal.  It is a group marching in the right general direction, but without a final destination plotted out!  Without a point around which to concentrate its effort the tea party will eventually […]

Occupy Wall Street is a Loose Cannon

October 7, 2011 at 4:25 pm

When I wrote about the Occupy Wall Street movement a few weeks ago I had not really intended on it becoming a recurring topic, but as events transpire I find myself compelled to speak out further.  The movement has continued to gain momentum and has spread all over the country, and to various locations around the world.  More people are getting involved, and more media attention is being cast in their direction.  Some of the attention has been on the movement itself, and some on the actions of the NYPD and other police departments in response to it. At this point, we should regard the Occupy movement as a potential danger.  It is very volatile.  I do not suggest that we should be concerned that it will escalate to a point of violence, though that is not out of the question, it seems unlikely at this point it time.  The danger stems from the fact that the protestors are so very disjointed.  There is no leader, and there is no clear mission or set of demands.  The protestors might as well be there for the simple fact that they have nothing better to do.  Clearly they share in their frustration […]