November 4, 2011 at 6:06 pm
On Monday, October 17th Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul released his “Plan to Restore America”. The plan outlined some bold objectives for his first term in office if elected including $1 trillion in cuts the first year and a balanced federal budget by year 3. Dr. Paul does this all without raising any taxes. In fact, he lowers and eliminates some! The plan calls in a reduction of corporate tax to 15%, and the elimination of capital gains tax, the “death tax”, and taxes on personal savings accounts, while extending the Bush tax cuts. In order to achieve the massive spending cut, the government workforce will be reduced by 10% through attrition and the Departments of Energy, Commerce, Interior, Education, and Housing and Urban Development would all be eliminated with certain functions moving to remaining departments. The plan will end the wars and cut all of that funding, while maintaining Defense spending and cutting all foreign aid. It will cap all Federal Government spending at 2006 levels as well as abolish the TSA and turn those security duties over to the private sector. To foster an environment in which the economy can recover and jobs can be created Dr. Paul […]
August 26, 2011 at 1:28 pm
One of the most important tasks that I would like to see this site accomplish is the dissemination of knowledge. Throughout history there have been numerous contributors to the cause of liberty. Some of those fine individuals saw fit to frame their thoughts, arguments, and wisdom in written form for the betterment of posterity. I find that utilizing these powerful texts is a wonderful way to advance thought and expand the mind’s plain of consideration. As I have the opportunity to complete each of the many books on my reading list it is my intention to provide you with my impressions of each manuscript. Perhaps doing so will prompt you to discover the book for yourself, or encourage discussion of books we have had the mutual pleasure (as I hope the case will be) of reading. To kick things off, I will begin with the latest book I’ve been able to check off of my list. Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul In Congressman and Dr. Ron Paul’s latest book he tackles alphabetically 50 of the issues that he believes are the most important to the cause of liberty. Each of the 50 […]
August 19, 2011 at 12:17 pm
The mainstream media, like many other things in our Republic is failing to do its job. The primary purpose of newspapers and news broadcasts is to collect information, verify its accuracy, and present it in a neutral light to the masses. One news company likes to remind us of this frequently with their slogan “Fair and Balanced”. Too bad it is nothing more than an empty and meaningless tagline. In reality, news media is almost never fair or balanced. This is evident if we look at almost any newspaper ever to come off of a printing press. In recent history some important top stories have been influenced heavily by the bias of news organizations. One that everyone is likely familiar with is the trial of Casey Anthony. Judicially she was found “not guilty” of the murder of her daughter by a jury of her peers. In the court of public opinion, Casey Anthony was well… utterly crucified. This was largely precipitated by the mainstream media reports on the trial, personalities such as Nancy Grace, and even some celebrities. Whether you are in agreement with the outcome or not, the system worked in the case of Ms. Anthony. If anything can […]