Fed Audit Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Loans
On Thursday Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) posted the results of a Government Accountability Office audit of the Federal Reserve on his Congressional website. The audit was conducted by order of an amendment that Sen. Sanders had added to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which was passed a year ago this week. The results of the audit should be of little surprise to opponents of the Federal Reserve as they only confirm long-held suspicions of the Fed’s surreptitious dealings. The 266 page report released by the Government Accountability Office identified a number of serious concerns regarding the Fed. It outlines $16 trillion in secret loans made by the Federal Reserve to domestic and foreign corporations, as well as foreign banks. To put this into prospective, the current national debt of the United States is around $14.5 trillion. Sen. Sanders described this by saying: “This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you’re-on-your-own individualism for everyone else”, an interesting statement, coming from Sen. Sanders, who is a self-proclaimed Socialist. The audit shows quite clearly that there is a serious problem with the way our economy is run in this country. We must be in a […]