Candidate Rundown: Rick Perry
Lately Rick Perry has been all over the headlines. He is the new media darling in the race for the Republican Party nomination. Talk of Perry entering the race has been going on for months, but was recently confirmed by his formal announcement, made the day of the Ames, IA straw poll. Ever since he has been touted as the candidate to beat in the Republican race; taking the lead spot from Mitt Romney in nearly every poll. As the new leader, he is drawing flack from all over the political spectrum. He is a target of Democrats and competing Republicans. So who is Rick Perry? Is he just another man running in an already broad field, or is he truly the candidate to beat? Is he really the kind of person we want in the White House? Does he have a consistent and Constitutional stance on the issues? These are a few of the questions that will be addressed as we delve into Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Perry. ♦♦♦ Personal Life James Richard “Rick” Perry was born on March 4, 1950 in Paint Creek, TX. His father was a Democrat, which is the party Rick Perry held to until […]